Leadership Councils and Committees

Finance Councils

In fidelity to Canon Law, the Parish Finance Council advises the pastor in matters related to the temporal administration of the parish. Specifically, the Council reviews the parish budget and works to generate revenue to fund the mission of Jesus Christ in the parish.

Members of the Finance Council are appointed by the Pastor on the basis of their skills and commitment to the financial stability of the parish. In the future, members will be added to the Council to assist in developing a long range financial plan for the parish, including the growth of the parish endowment through planned giving.

The council meets on a quarterly basis with the Parish Business Manager and/or the Pastor.

St. Joseph Finance Council

St. Mary of Czestochowa Finance Council

Mount Saint Peter Finance Council


NKCC Mission

As members of the Roman Catholic community of the New Kensington area, we are responsible for and committed to living and sharing our faith as we form disciples through strong and vibrant worship, lifelong faith formation, community outreach, and faithful stewardship. To advance the mission of Jesus Christ we will honor the traditions of Mt. St. Peter, St. Joseph and St. Mary Parishes and work together as one community of faith.


NKCC Pastoral Council


Kellie Abbott • 724-902-9121
Donald Campbell • 412-657-5052
Joe Doutt
William Englert, Jr. • Medman@consolidated.net
Anthony T. Kovalchick • tony4prez25@yahoo.com
Shirley Makuta • 724-335-6857
Lorraine Menk • kirbie1@comcast.net
Shane Palumbo • skaniecki@onebox.com
Joseph Pencak • pencak2006@comcast.net


In the years following the Second Vatican Council, many changes have occurred in the Church and the world.  These changes are reflected in our own diocese, one of the most remarkable being that vocations to the priesthood and religious life have decreased markedly.  As a result, parishes have been closed, merged or partnered.  At the same time, the spiritual needs of our parishioners continues to multiply.  The good news is that the Holy Spirit is alive and active among us, urging us to use our gifts and talents for the good of our sisters and brothers.

There are two important questions that must be answered:  What needs to be done as the Church moves into the future and who is going to do it?  No one person has all the answers.  No one person can identify all the issues.  But we, working together as brothers and sisters in Christ, can begin to answer these questions as we move ahead.

The Pastoral Council or PC, made up of ordinary parishioners and members of the parish staff, is designed to work with the Pastor in identifying the needs of the New Kensington parishes and then to chart a course that will help us, as Church, respond to those needs.  Members of the PC are called to help shape the vision of the New Kensington Catholic Community:  (Where do we see the NKCC moving in the next five to ten years?), and then to develop a plan that will motivate and inspire parishioners to reach that goal (What do we have to do to get there?).